I thought I would write the algorithm. I thought it might be interesting for him to see how how a computer program worked. I thought C# would be easy so I used Mono on the mac.
using System;
namespace AllWaysAddUp
class MainClass
private static NumberGrid _numberGrid;
public static void Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Enter a number between 20 and 99 and this will calculate"+ '\n' +
"a grid of 4 rows and 4 columns where all the rows, columns"+ '\n' +
"and diagonals all add up to that number"+ '\n' + '\n'+
"Enter a number between 20 and 99...");
string s = Console.ReadLine();
int i;
if(!int.TryParse(s, out i))
Console.WriteLine("You did not enter a number");
else {
if( i < 20 || i > 99)
Console.WriteLine("Number not in range. Number must be between 20 and 99.");
else {
_numberGrid = new NumberGrid();
private static void PrintNumberGrid()
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
int num = _numberGrid.GetCell(row, col);
Console.Write (" {0}" + '\t', num.ToString());
public class NumberGrid
private int[,] _grid;
// Array format: {row0 col0, row0 col1, row0 col2, row0 col3 }
// {row1 col0, row1 col1, row1 col2, row1 col3 }
// {row2 col0, row2 col1, row2 col2, row2 col3 }
// {row3 col0, row3 col1, row3 col2, row3 col3 }
public NumberGrid (){
_grid = new int [4,4] {{-1, 1, 12, 7} , {11, 8, -1, 2} ,{5, 10, 3,-1} ,{4,-1, 6, 9}} ;
return _grid[rowNumber, columnNumber];
_grid[0,0] = number -20;
_grid[1,2] = _grid[0,0] - 1;
_grid[3,1] = _grid[0,0] + 1;
_grid[2,3] = _grid[3,1] + 1;
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